Curriculum Vitae
Find below my educational background, professional experience and other related information:
- VG1 Elektrofag Borgund VGS
- VG2 Data og Elektronikk Tryggheim VGS
- VG3 Dataelektroniker Borgund VGS (Crafts Certificate)
- One year full-time work for OSC AS
- BIDATA Y-Veien NTNU Ålesund (ongoing)
Short School-Internships
Work Experience
- Tilkallingsvikar Offshore Simulator Centre AS (Part-time)
- Obs Bygg Breivika (Part-time simultaneously with the latter)
- Support Technician OSC AS (Full-time after Crafts-Certificate)
Courses and Certificates
- Computer-Electronics Technician (Crafts Certificate)
- Norsk Førerkort Klasse B (Drivers License)
- Båtførerprøven (Boatman’s License)
- CEPT Radio Amateur License (Ham License)
Natural Languages
- I speak Norwegian (I come from Norway)
- I speak English with a fluent Norwegian accent
- I can to a large degree understand Swedish and Danish
- Swedish and Danish people can to a large degree understand me
- I have a very basic understanding of Spanish
- I have a hobby-interest in: Latin, Old Norse, Ancient Greek, and Biblical Hebrew
Programming Languages
I am comfortable with:
- Python (work)
- Nim (they fixed python)
- Java (school)
- JavaScript (web…)
- ShellScript (bash-addict)
I have touched: (most first)
- C (I spent my teenage years patching dwm)
- C++ (basic opengl projects, the reason I started learning rust)
- C# (Unity and dotnet)
- Perl: bash++
- Rust: syntax++ (reason I started learning nim)
- Elixir: Phoenix framework (very interesting, not much experience)
- Kotlin: Experimenting with Anrdoid apps (jetbrains java)
- Fortran (God is real)
Markup, Typesetting and Styling Languages
I am comfortable with:
- YAML (ueh)
- LaTeX
- Markdown
I’m also very close to start learning roff